Lirik Lagu Beside - The Holly Man

Diposting oleh Unknown on 7 Apr 2012

Beside - The Holly Man
 Hunting to find the answer
Closing comment you’ve to told me
I believe with my decisions
No reason to betray my self.
Fuck holly man, I know what I must doing,
Fuck holly man, this is my self.
Save all your breath that you can breathe 
Engulfed your words 
Don’t ever to talking bullshit 
Fuck holly man, I know what I must doing,
Fuck holly man, this is my self. 
Everything that you told me 
Engender hatred I am a grimmer 
With the soil sin. 
And You feel the holly man 
Whereas, you’re the liar with a gold mask
I am so fuckin sorrow I can’t escape from a shadow 
Your lied still remains in my arm I’ll wait the salvations 
From a putrid mouth around my face 
Stop to make me paltr

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